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Wingspan Properties LLC                                                                              CASE #V1405

The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on June 19, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall in the Town Hall, 1196 Main Street on the Petition of Wingspan Properties LLC for property located at 664 Bullard Street for a VARIANCE for relief from minimum upland requirements for Lot 4A and relief from area, frontage, lot width and minimum upland requirements for the demolition of the existing house and construction of a new house on Lot 4B.

Members in attendance:  R. Spakauskas, S. Annunziata, J. Deignan and R. Butler.  The Chairman called the hearing to order and the secretary read the application, Findings of Fact and one letter pertaining to the case.     

Attorney Ken Northrup, representing the applicant, addressed the Board.  He said there are two single-family residences on one lot.  The smaller house on Lot 4B is in disrepair.  Lot 4A has already had many repairs.  The entire lot does not meet the minimum upland requirements

R. Spakauskas asked when the Planning Board approved the division of these lots.  Mr. George said it was a couple of months ago.  They will be meeting with the Conservation Commission and there are plans for a septic system on each lot.  

S. Annunziata asked if these lots were connected to town water; it was answered yes.

Mr. Brian Windward, 650 Bullard Street, said he has an artisian well in the front of his property and is concerned with contamination from the nearby septic system.  Mr. George said the front left corner for the septic system is over 100 ft. from Mr. Windward’s well.  The abutters looked at the plan and Mr. George indicated where the septic is located.  Mr. George said he would contact his engineer to determine where Mr. Windward’s well is located and to ask him to confirm in writing that their septic system is at least 100 ft. from the well, which is the Board of Health’s requirement.  

R. Spakauskas asked Mr. George if he could get this information to him as soon as possible.  After he has reviewed it and is satisfied that Board of Health requirements have been met, he will then instruct the secretary to do the necessary paperwork for the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Since there were no further comments or questions, the public hearing was closed at 7:20 p.m.      

The Board unanimously voted to grant the variance with the following condition:  1)  The applicant must adhere to the conditions suggested in the letter from Isabel McCauley, Senior Civil Engineer, dated June 19, 2014 which is attached and made a part of this decision.

                                                Ronald E. Spakauskas, Chairman